
In the summer of 2021, our church life group did a study by Francis Chan titled, “Forgotten God”. Near the end of the 7th video in the series, he challenged us to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. He even went as far as to say that the typical Christian will take a course to become more like Christ and as soon as it is over, say, “What’s the next study?” Most never heed the call of “Go”.

Shortly after we finished the series, Carldon called me and said that while praying, he felt led to write a year’s worth of devotionals. After hearing of his vision, I too was very excited about the idea and wanted to be a part of what felt like a true calling. Unfortunately, neither one of us are writers, and neither one of us had a clue on how to put a devotional together. What we did know was that if God wanted us to do it, He would make a way.

So we began to pray about it. We felt very strongly that we should ask people to help - specifically 38 more people, to give us a total of 40 (the number 40 appears 146 times in the Bible).  The vision was to have each person write one devotional per month for an entire year – a total of 12 devotionals per person (the number 12 appears 187 times in the Bible). We think these numbers are significant to God.

We also were (and still are) laser-focused on letting God lead the project. That is why when we questioned the vision of the number 40 (since the longest months of the year only have 31 days), we didn’t want to put God in our box of what made sense so we just went with it. 

Finally, we sought out people who we knew had a loving heart towards God and would allow the Holy Spirit to guide them in their writing. It was amazing how many people responded with “I have always wanted to write a devotional!” or “I was just praying for God to give me an opportunity to share my faith right before you called." Those were signs to us that we were on the right track.

So, here we are. We are a group of people who aren’t professional writers and are not overly experienced in sharing the Gospel. We do have a couple pastors and a few church leaders in the group, but we are ALL just average Christ followers trying to let God work through us. We are a group of people that truly want to share a piece of our heart in hopes that it might make a difference in yours.

So don’t judge our writing styles; don’t pick apart our grammar - just take a minute or two and let God speak to you through what you read. I don’t believe in coincidences, so I am confident you are supposed to be right here, right now.

- Geoff A